Wednesday, July 27, 2005

This 'n That

I've been trying all afternoon to get a name tag someone sent me into my journal.  I thought that I could use Photobucket to do it, but I guess I was wrong.  I didn't get anything figured out at all.  I just keep thinking I'm smart enough to handle graphics and the like, but continue to fail miserably.  Good thing I am persistent.  Also it's a good thing I'm not hanging my hopes on graphics. 

It's been sort of a quiet week.  I did some writing on Monday, but other than that and working, I've been a lump.  It's been warm enough that people aren't coming in to bother us at work, so I have tons of time to be online.  I'm grateful that my boss lets me bring the laptop with me.  I don't deal well with boredom. 

I'll be working a lot of hours this week because my co-worker is going on a fishing trip this weekend.  I normally don't work on Sundays, but she's giving me time off to take a trip north with Rob in a couple of weeks and I want to return the favor so she can go fishing.  I won't be worth much at home, but my paycheck will look nice. 

I'm hoping while I'm up north I'll get a chance to see my daughter as well.  Last time Heather and I were face to face was over 2 years ago.  I really miss seeing her and her kids.  We'll be a couple of hours from where she is, maybe we can meet half way or something.  Mostly, we will be visiting Rob's family in the Sacramento area.  His brother just moved their dad up there and dad is getting a little frail, so we want to visit when we can.  Rob spent many years not having a good relationship with his family and now that they are all on good terms, he wants to build up those precious memories.  I so understand.  We will never regret the time we take for them. 

Andrea is excited about the trip as well.  Her English is much better now and she's so much more confident than she was last year when we visited.  The plane tickets are in hand, everything is set but the packing (which I hate!)  I only care to take a couple of changes and my 'puter.  Gotta stay on top of things, ya know?


Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds really fun.  Keep trying.  I know you will get the name tag in there.

Love, Krissy

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well for your trip! Best of luck!
Peace and love,

Anonymous said...

It is great you getting to see Heather and the kids... that will be much fun.  My parents say 35minutes is too far away -- I think not seeing the kids in 2 years would litterally kill 'em!  Hope your trip goes well.  I'm sure Andrea and Rob will have great fun too!
~Miss O