Thursday, July 21, 2005

Anniversary Time

Andrea came to work with me today.  Her daddy had an appointment somewhere in Los Angeles and had to leave at oh-dark-thirty to make it.  She likes to come with me.  She thinks it's cool to sit at a desk and pretend she has a job too.  I guess I kind of tricked her today, though.  I brought school work for her to work on.  She didn't like it at first, but since I was right next to her, she could ask question after question and it was okay.  She did some of her best work.

On the way to work every day, I sing praise songs and I pray.  It's no different when I have Andrea along.  She joins me in the songs and we even sing a few of our favorite Spanish songs while we are at it.  We had just finished a medley and a thought crossed my mind.  "Do you know what day it is today, Andrea?"

"No, mom." 

"This is the day . ." I didn't finish the sentence, because we began to sing that song, too.  It's a pretty joyful song and when we finished, we were both smiling.  Then I looked at her again and started over.  "It was one year ago today that you came to live in the United States."

She grinned at me.  She's been working on becoming fully American since that day.  She's succeeding!  It seems such a few days ago that I brought her to her daddy to stay with him while I finished up at the ministry in Mexico.  She was so excited to go with him.

I cried all the way back to the ministry.  I wanted her to stay with him.  I needed for her to be here so I could get that stuff done.  There was so much to do.  I felt alone.  I walked back into a house with 27 kids, 5 adults and myriad animals and I felt alone.  For six weeks since Rob had come to the US to get ready for us, Andrea and I had slept in the same bed as we had done when she was small.  I missed her presence there.  Not even Angel, who tried to fill Andrea's shoes could fill up the hole inside that I felt without Rob and Andrea. 

Remembering it this morning brought tears to my eyes.  I didn't let Andrea see them.  I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family.  I hope the next time I am tempted to yell at one of them I remember this again.  God really blessed our lives when he knit us together. 


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!! Love, lisa

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you all.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Penny, I totally understand that empty feeling you had.  I can't even sleep when my kids aren't home.  We had a family bed until my son turned 5.  If it were up to tehm we still would but we would have to buy a bigger bed!  :-)  LOL

Congratulations Andrea!  

~Miss O

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean.  Sometimes I have to gather my little chickadees and have them all sleep somewhere in our room.  We all slept in our bedroom during the hurricanes.  I had kids everywhere... had to be very careful not to step on one of them trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  The kids love to sleep in our room.  I have to get out on hubby's side of the bed in the morning sometimes cuz their blankets and pillows are all over on the floor beside my side of the bed... wouldn't have it any other way!  God is good to give us lots of love in our lives.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing it is that she has been with you for one year.
