Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday Five

Okay, guys, I don't know who started it or who to give credit to, but here are the questions and my answers:

1. If you only had to choose one, does righteousness fall more under giving pennies to the poor, or asking a rich man to come into your humble apartment (if you had one, of course)?    

I started to say I'd give the pennies, but I guess I'd choose to go to the person who needs Jesus, those that already have him will receive anyway.

2. Does adaptation to one's surroundings take place through one's actions or one's thoughts?  

By our actions.  I had to put one foot in front of the other to adjust to living back in the USA after 15 years in Mexico - my thoughts would not have done.

3. If you were to find the meaning of life how would you use it?  

I think I know the meaning of life, actually, although you and I would probably differ:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself." paraphrased from Matt 22:37-40 

4. Let's say you managed to find, through science, that the human brain had no freewill, and was controlled by a series of chemical reactions rather than a consciousness. Would you continue to search for answers?  

Yes I would.  And if I could search for answers, then I'd know I had free will.

5. You find a fossil of a bird buried in the ground by chance as you are digging in your garden. It is so well-preserved that one could see the actual feathers and make out almost every bone. Your young (maybe four-five year old) children come running over to see what you have found, and you decide to bury it back into the ground to keep it safe from them lest they break it. Later on that day, you come to dig it back up to show to your wife, but find that you have misplaced it. After admitting to your wife that you have misplaced the fossil, to the damage of your credibility, you contemplate whether you should have donated the fossil to a museumor kept it on display in your house. Which one would you choose and why, taking the situation into context?    

Well, I certainly would have given to a museum for all to enjoy, although I'm sure I would have loved having it to myself.


Anonymous said...

Good answers, good answers.


Anonymous said...

I second Krissy!

~Miss O