Sunday, August 21, 2005

Celebration Survey

For J-Land's Anniversary from Vivian


Here are the questions:

1. The first one involves what you'd call this set of questions. 
Here's a list...pick the one you like best and make it the title of
your entry when you answer these questions in your journal:

Anniversary Appraisal
Anniversary Assessment
Anniversary Audit
Anniversary Examination
Celebration Survey
Celebratory Census
Commemorative Confessions
Festival Feedback
Milestone Marker
Party Poll
Party Proclamations
Revel & Reveal
Second Celebration Confessions
Second-Year Survey
Special Day Disclosures

I chose Celebration Survey because J-Land is a daily celebration of life.

2. Are there any certain AOL Journals that you can't do without?  List a few of your favorites.

By the Way

Sometimes I Think

Ride Along with Me

Jottings from the Sticks

My Country Life

(sometimes) Photoblog

Adventures in Juggling

I could go on forever . . .

3. What is the best and worst things that happened during J-land year 2004-2005?

Best: we finally have our own place to live

Worst: I've had a lot of health problems.

4. What changes would you most like to see made to AOL Journals during the third year?

Easier uploading of pictures and graphic and a spell-checker

5. Has one of your favorite reads disappeared?  Who would you most like to see return to AOL J-land during the third year? Yes, she has left – I loved A Mum's Tale and wish she would come back.

6. What's the silliest/stupidest/most embarrassing mistake you've ever blogged and overlooked? I don't know – I probably overlooked it.

7. What's the newest journal you've discovered that you've put into your daily rotation? 
(Not necessarily the newest to J-land, but the newest to you.)

One Girl's Head Noise

Now, the rest of you, run on over to Vivian's place and post your answers, too!



Anonymous said...

"A daily celebration of life."  

I couldn't have said it better myself.

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

I love your answers!  
Thanks for including me.  I love your journals also.  They are part of my daily reads.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a spell checker?!!!


Anonymous said...

Very cool idea!  I'll have to do it.  Your three are in my everyday reads... just can't get enough of you...  LOL  :-)
~Miss O

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good fight - we started asking for a spell checker before AOL Journals was ever released. Something to work on in year 3.
