Monday, December 5, 2005

The Posada


I really thought I'd have a chance to post this morning before work, but my computer was acting funny, so I didn't mess with it. Today is my Friday, guys!  I get 3 days of now.  I love when this happens.  One day to rest, two days to play.  I like that. 

On Thursday, we are going to observe the special education class they want to put Andrea in.  I've been told she can attend that class and then come home, but I am concerned that they no longer want her home schooled.  I'm not sure just an hour a day will be enough for her. 

I had a mishap with Dufus last night.  He doesn't like Andrea to come near me, so when she wants a kiss, I cover his head and kiss her.  This time I was on my bed and I don't know what the difference was, but since he couldn't threaten her, he bit me!  Oh!  did that ever hurt.  His beak is so strong.  It was a deep bite and he broke the skin in two spots.  I feel bruised today.  Of course, it has to be on the middle finger of my right hand.  Everytime I type with it, I am reminded.  I left him on his cage this morning.  I was still a little upset with him.  We'll see how it goes tonite and tomorrow.  Bad bird!!

Today is day 5 of the December Challenge.  Today I want to talk about my first Christmas with the children in Mexico.  We just had two children at the time.  We had a little 12 year-old named Cynthia and Andrea.  Andrea was 9 months old and fattening up nicely.  Our little church had a posada that year, where we met in different homes each week and shared the Christmas story.  It wasn't like the Mexican posada where the travellers are turned from every house as Mary and Joseph were, but we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.  Cynthia had so much fun!  At each meal, we swapped names and gifts.  It was very special.  Andrea was the delight of the party.  No one else had children, so when someone got Cynthia's or Andrea's name, they would somehow go over the spending limit.  It was a precious time and one I will never forget.


Be blessed today,




Anonymous said...

Dang!  What's up with Doofus?

Sorry bout' your bite...put some neosporin on it!


Anonymous said...

What a naughty naughty birdy!!!    Guess you wouldn't be using a big bird bandaid on it either.  

Love the graphic up top! You always have the cutest ones!!!  Enjoy your days off!

Anonymous said...

What species is Dufus - Vulture? Keep laughing. Take care.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Penny, how did you get your side bar to open enough to get the lighthouse there.   I have tried and tried but it keeps telling me that i used to many spaces.  If you could help I'd appreciate it.  I really want to put the lighthouse in the 'about me' space.  Thanks, Pennie

Anonymous said...

wonderful tag art!
gem :-)

Anonymous said...

ouch with your finger! What memories about Mexico; thanks for sharing them.

My tradition for the challenge is this:

Christmas morning breakfast after church was always ham, sweet bread called Babka (I guess its a Polish bread) and a Jewish bread "Challah" that my mom and/or sister would bake. Then we would have nut roll which is similar to jelly roll except its a nut filling instead of jelly for dessert before we opened presents. Yum!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy those wonderful days off! They are so precious. :0)

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh reading BAD BIRD...i can just hear you saying it!!! I hope you have a bandaid and some ointment on the bite!! I hope the PC quits acting up. Enjoy your days off. I LOVE YOU, lisa jo