Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tuesday Two from Patrick


Describe the last time you felt as though you were being discriminated against.  Looking back at it now, do you think you really were being discriminated against?


Do you think that we are automatically prejudiced against certain people, regardless of our upbringing?  Why or why not?

Choose A or B, (indicate which question you're answering!) then either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment.  (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

Remember: choose one or the other...not both!

Although I have answers for both questions, I have chosen A.  It seems odd that I, a WASP, would have felt predujice in my lifetime, but I have on more than one occasion.  Oddly enough, the last time was while living in Mexico.  The prejudice was not from Mexican nationals, rather from Americans who lived around me there.  I was running a home for children there and my neighbors were angry because I didn't give it up when I became widowed.  My Christianity made them nervous and they began to criticize me and the children's home.  They filed a suit in the local courts to try to force me to quit.  When Idid not quit, the comment was made, " . . .and you call yourself a Christian!" 

Yes, I really believe that I was being discriminated against in this situation.  When you choose a lifestyle unlike that of your neighbors, they are likely to be uncomfortable around you.  They spent agreat deal of time and effort to assasinate my character with the American community at large.  In the end, they were unsuccessful in their attempts, but made my life miserable for a while.

Ready to play?  Drop by Patrick's Place and answer the question!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its sad that people resort to that aggravated name-calling. (I know thats an understatement).

