Thursday, January 5, 2006

I believe


Isn't this a pretty little setting?  Although my kitchen is red and white, not blue, I think the plants really make it neat!  I've got to figure out a way to get some in there now . . . without killing them.  I do NOT have a green thumb!  If it wants to live, Rob will have to care for it.  My plants cringe when they see me coming.

I have been trying desperately to get back to the computer.  I miss my laptop so much I can't believe it.  It's very difficult to sit in this chair (Rob even changed the chair for me) for more than a few minutes at a time.  My in-box looks like a super-model's must look!  I just got it under 500 for the first time in a week.  I guess I will have to just let go of some of the entries from a week before Christmas.  I just hate to miss the wonderful writings of my friends here in J-Land.

There are 11 days until my birthday.  I can't believe another year has passed. Each year I go to a retreat in January right around my birthday time.  It's a time to reflect on the past and also on the year ahead.  I write out and try to get rid of my griefs and disappointments from the year behind and set goals for myself in the year ahead.  I spend a lot of time talking to God and renew friendships from the 30 years I have been associated with this retreat.  My track record for consistency has been lacking most of my life, but this retreat and my  service to the Lord have given me hope that I can be a long-distance runner instead of a sprinter.  It's all possible because

I believe that the Lord's love is stronger than anything I have ever or will ever experience.

I believe that if I love Him with all my heart, I can be strong through whatever happens in this world.

I believe I am loved.

There's no better way for me!  My faith used to be contingent on what I thought God was doing, but years ago, some things happened that showed me without a doubt faith had to be based on the biblical passage from Hebrews 11 - things not seen (no quotes here, but it's Hebrews 11:1).  If I can believe in He whom I have not seen, then I can have faith, pure and simple.  Now I just believe and let the evidence come later.  It's so easy!  I pray, He answers, I let it go.  Praise His name!

I love you all today and hope to get caught up on your journals soon.  By the way, if you ever need prayer, let me know by e-mail and I will do so . . . or IM me and we'll pray together.  It's the very best I have to offer to you and to the Lord.

Be blessed today my friends,




Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Penny~That was a lovely entry! Sorry you still can not sit at the puter; I would have withdrawals about that! I do need a special prayer and I will e-mail you! Have a blessed day~Deb

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny,  I just leave my plants to their own devices usually and I`ve been lucky so far, even if I forget to water them for! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

awesome your thoughts about the Lord.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "take care of plants?"  They need care????  Mine are plastic and silk.  I dust the every eon or so ... There is more to do?

Joking --

Please take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

As always an inspirational thought from your kitchen to mine.  Thank you.  

Anonymous said...

Penny, It's so good to see an entry from you!  I've been thinking of you, and praying for you.  I *so hope your back is better ASAP!  And this was an awesome entry, here's to many many more!

Anonymous said...

Praying your laptop gets fixed soon! :)
Your retreat sounds wonderful. Is it a women's retreat? There's something about getting together with women who fear the Lord and love him with their hearts, it truly just helps jump you up that much more!

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Some plants burrow back into the soil when they see me!! I do have a pineapple plant in my kitchen that I've raised myself. I just cut the top off a pineapple, stuck it into a pot and it took root, it's getting big now! I'm so proud of it for growing!! I hope you enjoy your time at the retreat. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I hope your laptop gets fixed soon!
Happy Birthday!
love ,nat