Saturday, June 18, 2005

Standin' on the corner . . .

This morning our church's youth are gathered together to have a carwash to earn money for summer camp.  I like the idea.  It teaches the kids responsibility and they have fun doing it.  Andrea dressed in shorts and sandals for the affair and is wearing papa's airport cap.  She looks very cute.

I dropped her off in the church parking lot where some cars were already in various stages of wash.  With her tickets and money in hand she waved me off with a promise to behave herself.  He Sunday School teacher will bring home.  I made a quick trip to the store while I was out and on the ride home noticed a couple of the kids with bright neon-colored signs.

My kid is standin' on the corner!  She's shouting "Car WASH!!!"  This is so great.  my little girl is participating in some cool stuff. 

I know its not a huge deal to those of you who have raised your children here in the USA, but for Andrea, almost everything is still a new experience.  An thusly, it's a new experience for Rob and me as well.  It's like being young all over again.  Life is so precious and we waste so many moments (at least I do).  It's nice to know there's always a chance for a "do over."


Anonymous said...

Megan did that once....i am so glad Andrea is doing it today!! Can you get a pic of her doing it? I hope they makes lots of money!! Love ya, lisa

Anonymous said...

I hope she does well, she should.  If I were there I`d be happy to pay her to wash my car!  :-)

Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Would love to have her clean my car. Send her over.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Can she clean my car too?  I helped with a few youth car washes in my day!  They are fun!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Wow! Very cool for her to get to do that and I'm sure she had a great time. I always had a good time at the various fundraising car washes that I was involved in.  What a fun experience for her! well. . . really for anyone to grab a few friends, raise some money, stay cool, and have a good time doing it. :-)
Stay cool from this summer heat,