Thursday, December 2, 2004

Rambling and Whining

I'm going to go mall walking again today right after we turn in Andrea's school work.  I'm late turning it in and I think the teacher is a bit upset with me.  Actually, I don't feel like I'm doing a good job at all.  I guess that's for another entry. 

No, it's not - just will have to change the name of this one, I guess.  I am so frustrated trying to teach my little girl.  It's tough to be her mom and her teacher at the same time.  She's learned a lot, but is getting a real attitude going on here.  I push her to work and she snaps at me or cries when she thinks its too hard.  It crowds over into our regular life. I feel like a failure here. 

Andrea is so bright and is learning so much.  What am I to do?  I have strict beliefs and feelings and don't want to push her into public school.  They'd put her in a remedial class because she's so far behind.  That wouldn't help her fragile self-esteem.  I haven't checked out Christian schools, but since we don't even have our own place yet, it would be hard to commit to that expense.

So I guess I'm just whining here. It's actually one of the things I do best, other than eat.  I want to be the best teacher, the best mom, best wife, best room-mate and all with not much margin for error.  Kinda sets me up for a fall, do you think?  I think so.  Question is:  can I change that at this late date?  Probably not.  I'd likely stress out more from trying.  Darned if ya do . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of joining a group of other Moms who homeschool?  They share their stresses and how they deal with them. -Krissy