Thursday, April 27, 2006

Make a symphony


Thursday morning and I'm headed off to work in a little while.  The sky is dark and cloudy, predictions of rain come from the newsman.  Same as yesterday.  We only got a few drops. I can handle that.  I really don't like driving in the rain. 

Yesterday was a busy day.  Rob and I started the morning with reflections of days gone by.  I've been married so many times that his confused about the circumstances, so we went back to my life after I left my first husband and talked all the way through the escape from my 3rd husband.  I know its the past, but its kind of cathartic to talk about it.  Truth is, there is nothing about my life that I can't share with him.  I may not be proud of some things, but it's a nice chance to see the Lord never left me while I was being stupid. 

After the mail came, we took off to deposit the check and go to the doctor.  I have had this very dry, tickley cough for some weeks now and Rob was concerned about me.  I managed an appointment for yesterday afternoon, got some medicine, x-rays and a breathing test.  He thinks it might be asthma.  Yuck.

Then we went to the pet store to by a cage for our baby cottontail bunny.  As usual, it was a costly trip.  I think the pet store loves us by now.  I had just bought a new bed for Sammy because we took the loveseat he was using out of the house.  He's not sure about the bed yet, but his couch days are over.  We bought him a 3-man tent for a dog house.  Believe me, it was a whole lot cheaper than one of those pre-fab dog houses.  He seems to like it a lot.

We got home after 5 pm, fed the girls, took them to the church for kidz nite and came home exhausted.  Our prayer time was wonderful and the girls went to bed right on time for once - and no fighting.  What's up with that?

Rested, I am ready for the day ahead.  We sang a song I wrote this morning as our worshipbefore prayer, had a good time of prayer and now the girls are of to school.  This is my favorite time - the lull between their leaving and my leaving for work.  Rob and I have a little time together before the day and its tasks pull us in other directions.

I pray that as your day takes you from here to there that you will take time to remember those in J-Land who are in need.  Krissy's John has been running a fever, Cliff is recovering from heart surgery, Carlene is feeling the loss of Danny so acutely and Lisa Jo's son was beaten up at school.  Our prayers never leave the ears of the Father.  He hears each and every one as sweet music.  Let's offer up a symphony today.

Many blessings to all of you.  I love you very much



Anonymous said...

Hi Penny!

Isn't it wonderful to be blessed with a husband that you can talk to about anything! I am blessed in that area too.  My first husband and I just fed oneach others insecurities...not a good 19 years at all.  I should have married my Darrell at that time, but I chose not too. Our joy is that we now have 4 sons, instead of probably just 2 if we had married back then.  And....I appreciate him more now than I would have then.  My home and my husband is my haven.

I am keeping you and the other families in my prayers.

God Bless You

Anonymous said...

Yes, I spent time in prayer last night for Krissy & John.  They have both been thru so would be wonderful if John could fully recover and they could be at home and go on with their lives. There's so many needs in our world.  Sometimes it's overwhelming.....for us but not for our Heavenly Father.  Linda in Washington state        

Anonymous said...

We would all be in trouble if the Lord left us when we were doing something stupid!  LOL

A lot of people in J-land do need our prayers.


Anonymous said...

I wish there was something/anything i could do to ease Carlene's pain. I bet if you were with her you could calm her quickly because you are just about the wisest lady i know. Maybe someday i will be a bit wiser too. Love you so,lisa

Anonymous said...

I hope tha Carlene and Chad (lisa Jo's son) will be ok.
And I will pray!
I am very happy that youare happy

Anonymous said...

Prayers are going up for all that is needed in the Lord's will. I hope you are well, Penny.

Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Prayers go up.
A tent?

Anonymous said...

Penny, nice newsy post.  Consider the request for prayers filled and ongoing.  

Anonymous said...

Consider it done.  So sorry i haven't been so busy. ;)  C.