Saturday, November 20, 2004


Here's my baby studying.  She's having a tough time of it.  I would turn back time if I could and teach her the basics years ago.  Isn't it funny how the basics are often the hardest to learn?  They are the stepping stones to more learning and I find she's mad at me most of the time.  She can't figure out money no matter how hard we try.  I thought that came natural to girls!

The English language is also a stumper.  We add so many letters that really aren't necessary.  When she writes a paragraph in Spanish for me, it's all one sentence connected by &'s.  When I correct and translate for her to copy, she doesn't understand why all the periods.  The vowels all sound different and "e" and "i" get mixed up all the time.  It's a monumental task.

I would hate to be 10 years old and just learning what my peers learned years ago.  I would hate to be 10 years old, period.  She's a spunky kid.  "I don't gonna be stupid, mom!" she shouts.  She cries with frustration, takes a break and comes back for more.  I would have quit long ago, but not this kid.  She wants more and she wants it now. 

Her rewards are games and television.  She loves television, which we didn't have for her in Mexico.  And of course it's all in English which helps her.  I have to learn balance, though, because she would live in front of the TV.  Dad gets her to watch the NASA channel with him and she writes reports for her school advisor.  Works for me.

She's looking forward to the holidays, her first as an "American girl."  Me too.  It will be the first time in years we haven't celebrated as a family of 15 or more.  Just the 3 of us.  That's a nice sound.  Hubby, me and one smart little girl.  Wow.




Anonymous said...

Say hello to your 10 year old little pupil. Tell her I wish her well in her studies and she should be very proud of herself for all the effort she is putting in.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome little girl...her mother isn't too bad either.  That drive and determination of hers is definitely an asset to her.  God bless her little heart!!!

Hugs, Trina

Anonymous said...

Bless her little heart.  Before long she will be speaking and writing along with all the other children.  Kids learn very quickly.  I am excited that just the three of you will be having your first holiday together!  She should be excited about that! -Krissy  

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an awesomely determined girl!  Hi, I wanted to introduce myself.  I am Krissy's sister, Val.  You have a wonderful journal here.  I will be visiting.  I put you on alerts.  Nice to meet you.  :-)  I was here one other time a long time ago.  Take care!  Hugs, Val

Anonymous said...

Wow - Your babys courage and determination is truly inspiring. I'm so proud of her and I only know her thourgh this journal.  I would love to hug her and just tell her how proud of her that I am.  What a wonderful and bright young lady.  She is absolutely beautiful.  From the sounds of it, the three of you make a wonderful and loving family.  That's great.  (and inspiring for the rest of us)

With the money - maybe you can make it a fun and learning experience by getting fake money (at most office stores) or even use real money. (all for practice ofcourse) And for different activities like watching t.v. or another activity that she enjoys doing set it up where different activities cost different amounts of money with change. And she can make this "play" money by doing chores or even making such wonderful grades. . anything that you think she should be rewarded for and she can use the money to get out of chores or watch t.v. etc.  

I'm not sure if I explained that very well but just an idea that a friend of mine uses with her boys.  She has a posterboard on the refrigerator of all the prices of activities that the boys can do and then how much they can earn for certain chores or tasks.  They LOVE it.  (and they are learning money and how to figure change, etc. & budget also.)

Anway - I hope you all have a wonderful day.